Cognitive Issues

Did you know that the age-related cognitive deficits start very early in adulthood and the declines in cognition have been measured as dropping in adults as young as just 25.(Source: The Conversation) Cognitive issues are becoming very common but still you can misunderstand it and then it can lead to several misconceptions. Many of you may mistakenly believe that cognitive problems are a natural part of aging and cannot be prevented. Whereas, some research has proved that cognitive decline is not unavoidable and can be taken care of with the right techniques.

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Some of you also may think that cognitive issues only affect those who have neurological conditions but it is not true any one of you can experience cognitive difficulties and it can be caused by different factors such as stress, anxiety, lack of sleep or certain medications. And, it would be a surprise for you to know that cognitive issues in young and smart people are more common than what you think of and with this blog we will understand everything that surrounds young-smart people and cognitive issues.

How does Cognitive Functioning work in Young and Smart People?

Cognitive functioning is your capacity to learn, remember, solve problems and pay attention to things. Cognitive functioning continuously evolves in young individuals like you because at this time your brain is still in the development phase. From your stage of early childhood to adolescence you will see a progression of basic cognitive skills and complex ones such as:

  • Attention
  • Perception
  • Memory 
  • Language
  • Abstract thinking
  • Strategic planning 
  • Deductive reasoning 

And, some individuals like you who are referred to as ‘smart’ usually have high cognitive abilities. You as a smart person can excel in areas such as problem-solving, critical thinking, creativity and adaptability. This high degree of intelligence gives you the ability to solve novel problems and strong crystallized intelligence which is the ability to use skills, knowledge and experience.

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3 Main Causes of Cognitive Issues in Young and Smart People

Yes, young and smart people to face cognitive issues at some point in their lives and some of the common causes of cognitive issues are:

Genetic Factors

Genetic factors come at top when we talk about cognitive issues in young and smart individuals. Most of you might have cognitive issues because certain genes in your body are associated with the functioning of your brain and can influence your cognitive abilities.
For example, if we talk about the APOE gene, it is involved with the metabolism of fats in your body and is linked to memory performance and adds the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease. Similarly, if we take the example of the COMT gene then you should know that it affects the regulation of dopamine in your prefrontal cortex, a part of your brain that is linked to cognitive functions and abilities.

Environmental Factors

Environmental factors are known for causing cognitive issues in young and smart people and it usually happens when you expose yourself to toxic substances like lead, mercury and some kind of pesticides that negatively impact brain development and cognitive functioning. For example, when you get exposed to lead in your early childhood then you might have lower IQ scores and learning difficulties. And, similar to this when your mother has prenatal exposure to mercury then it would cause cognitive impairments in you as her child.
Lifestyle Factors
As a young person you should know that lifestyle factors usually impact your cognitive health. In your lifestyle factors, physical activity is one such factor. Doing regular exercise shows enhancement in your cognitive abilities, improves your memory and slows down cognitive decline. It is also known for increasing blood flow to the brain, promotes the growth of new neurons and helps in the formation of synaptic connections and all of these things are important for improved cognitive function.

Making unhealthy lifestyle choices will lead you to certain cognitive issues. If we take the example of poor nutrition then you should know that it impair brain development and cognitive function. Consuming food that is high in refined sugars and unhealthy fats but low in essential nutrients are linked to poorer cognitive performance. Therefore, maintaining a lifestyle where you take less stress and complete your sleep is important for solving cognitive issues in you.

We believe that you have been able to figure out that cognitive issues can occur in young and smart people, and with that you must have also understood some of the causes due to which it happens. Now, if you want to be free from the cognitive issues all you have to do is make yourself aware of this situation as soon as you can and look out for therapies which will cure you and will give you a more fulfilling life.

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